Winter Woes: Selling Your Home in the Winter

Real estate begins to slow down at the beginning of November and tends to remain slow throughout the holidays. The market “heats up” with the weather, and just as Punxsutawney Phil pops his head up to predict Spring, home buyers begin searching for properties again.

house in snowSelling a home in the winter months is often very frustrating as a home seller because your needs don’t slow down just because the market does. Whether you are selling for relocation purposes, or because you’ve outgrown your space, as a seller you are anxious to get your home listed and sold. Waiting for Spring just isn’t an option for most folks which is why I recommend the following items if you are listing your home during the winter:

Curb Appeal: RememberĀ to keep your driveway and sidewalks clear of ice and snow. A hazardous trip to the porch is the last thing you want for potential home buyers. Do use the snow to your advantage as snow makes almost everything look more beautiful! Add a holiday wreath or garland to the door, this will make the home moreĀ inviting. Since most of your flower beds will be hibernating, add a few potted Poinsettias for a pop of bright color.

chocolate chip cookiesSet the Ambiance: The smell of fresh baked chocolate chip cookies is inviting to almost every palate, cook some before your showing and be sure to leave a few out on a plate for perusing guests. Pro tip: the cookies don’t have to be made from scratch, grab a package of pre-made cookie dough beforehand.

Adding lamps to side tables can really make a home seem warmer, especially compared to the frigid temperatures outside. Home buyers will envision how they will spend holidays in your house, so a nicely decorated living room will greatly appeal to them this time of year. Remember, a clean, well-kept home is always very important no matter what time of year you are selling your home.

Light a fire if you have a fireplace, a crackling fire will not only warm your home but also potential home buyers’ hearts. Most buyers love the idea of a fireplace even though some seldom actually use one. Of course, you shouldn’t leave the fire unattended so work with your REALTOR to figure out the logistics of lighting and extinguishing the fire.

Lastly, I always recommend you hire a professional and knowledgeable REALTOR to assist you in the process. A licensed real estate agent in your area will have a firm understanding of your market and they can assist you with marketing your property.

I hope these tips will help you set the stage for successfully listing and selling your home during the winter months. Do you have more tips to add to this list? Comment with your suggestions below!